Child Photo ID

Identification to protect our children:

Our Children and grandchildren are the most precious parts of our lives, therefore we should take the time to make sure they are protected.

We have done this in several ways:

First: We do ID cards for Child Care Facilities to identify the persons taking care of the children. This can include the name of the Day Care, the person’s name, photo and qualifications.

Second: We do ID for the child with his or her picture on it and on the back we include photos of the parents or person/s who are allowed to pick up the child.

Third: Our children have the opportunity to go on field trips with one supervisor for several children. Sometimes it is hard to keep track of those active young bodies you are responsible for. We have come up with field trip cards that include the photo of the supervisor, along with photos and names of the children in his/her care. This way they can take a quick head check and the children can recognize the person they are with. This way you can quickly recognize the children you are not completely familiar with and the little ones aren’t able to try to fool you by saying they are some else on a sheet of paper.

Fourth: Many of our children are involved in sports activities and sometimes this requires that they travel away from home with a coach or other professional staff. We have done ID for the full team and individual member ID’s. We have also incorporated a permission notification on the back of the card from the parents of the child.

Fifth: If you have another application, I am sure we can come up with a solution for your situation.

We do Child Identification, but only on-site at our location with both parents or legal guardians present with proper identification of the child including their birth certificate. Parents must have proper identification and Guardians must have all legal papers to prove their status.